Geometry Dash Hardest Demons (By Category)

This list is different from my other one, because it is no longer a direct ranking and is now made up of categories. Therefore, there should be less debate on this thread (unless I'm an idiot about some stuff). You might notice a bunch of stuff is VERY similar between this list and my other one, and since the other list is MY list, I have every right to copy from it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I made this list mostly because I wanted a list of the hardest demons that everyone could use to refer to demons as a certain difficulty. 

1. Only  (must have at least ) levels accepted!
2. I will try to take all of your opinions into account when editing this list, and if I do not agree with you I may wait until other people comment or debate your point.
3. Also, don't be rude or mad at me or anyone else for their opinion in hard demons. There is no exact way to measure how hard a demon is, thus no one is really 100% incorrect. However, that does not mean someone who says Stereo Madness is harder than Cataclysm is correct!
4. An asterisk (*) denotes a level with a secret way (this applies for everything in this thread). For levels with a secret way, they are ranked based on the difficulty of the level excluding the secret way.
5. Demons within the same category are in no way ranked.
6. Crossed out demons show where the demon would be had it not been deleted/un-demoned.

Enough with the intro. Here's the list:

IMPOSSIBLE (only possible when you are some of the best of the best)
Bloodbath By Riot and moreCataclysm By GboyIce Carbon Diablo X By RoadboseCreeper Force By CreeperMLKMadHouse By GREEN and more
Sonic Wave By Cyclic
The Ultimate Phase By Andromeda and more
Fexty By Ozpectro
Effot By Ozpectro
Landect By Ozpectro
Phobos By Tygrysek and more
Future Demoness By MaJackORuined Journey By EraeL and more
Lunatic Doom Machine By Andomeda and Optagonus
Necropolis By Neptune

EXTREME (requires A LOT of skill to complete)
Alphabet X By Play1107696
Extreme Chaos By Nether
Lezicuv By Scp Lanst
Planet Circles By xSolar
The Realistik By Demonism
Twilight Step v2 By Play1107696Demonic Bass By M1n1Man2098El Dorado By AncientAnubisPyromaniac By Glittershroom and moreSequence By Woogi1411Antique Circles By AncientAnubisUltrasonic By Zenthicalpha and moreSupersonic By Zenthicalpha and moreThe Shredder By Skitten and Sandstorm8o By Zobros and Etzer
Ice Cream By CyclicDown Bass By Spectra
Supreme Lab Factory By DemonMKER
INSANE (very difficult to complete, requires a good amount of skill)
Acropolis By Zobros
Rupture By Constar
Hellish Aspect By Woogi1411 and moreEndorphin By Woogi1411 and AurumbleIce Carbon Zust* By Roadbose Shambler By LoogiahLightWave By SpleneticInfernity By Jo2000Luminum By Zobros
Ultraviolet By Viprin and more
The Caverns II By PasiBlitzWander of Thought By Noriega and SoulsTRKColorful Overnight By Woogi1411 and MinusPlasma Pulse II By GironDavid and SmokesStalemate By NoxSwing Squad By Zobros, GironDavid, Orion, and HavokCrystal of Miracle By Woogi1411Poltergeist By AndromedaAudio Excursion By GoodSmile and moreDr Raszagal Phoenix By RaszagalAsymmetry By Woogi1411 and Koreaqwer
Galatic Fragility By TeamSmokeWeed (several people)
Moonlight Crystal* By Raszagal
Crimson Clutter By RedUniverse

VERY HARD (still requires quite a bit of skill, but easier than the previous categories)
Rabb2t By Zenthicalpha and RipplezSnow v2 By EraeLSerpents Shrine By AncientAnubisTransonic By Woogi1411 and more
The Four Elements By Eiken
Frozen Jawbreaker By C9 SneakyWindy Landscape By Woogi1411Horntail Cave By EraeLCurse Calling By Minesap
Stereo Demoness By MaJackOClubstep Nightmares By ZobrosEndless Wisdom By PG10049Step By Hinds
Infrared By GironDavid and moreFrozen Space By Orion and Aquatias

HARDER (quite difficult to complete and requires quite some effort)
The Caverns By PasiBlitz
MiracleFunk By Gboy
Sparks Fury By Noobas
Back on Mountain By MaJackO

Treasure Mine By MaJackO
Super of Everything By Roadbose
Primary Maze By Centuple
Chaotic Hell By Saturnuz
Mecha Blaster By Loogiah and Carapa22
Breakthrough By Hinds
AntiMatter By MaJackO
Neon Overdrive By Gboy
Flaklypa By LinkTheGamer
Sparklic Ocean By Koreaqwer
Golden Hope By Terron
Nitronic Chaos By Rekedge

HARD (difficult to complete but possible with much effort and persistence)
DemonTheory By Ynail
Screamroom By GMD Condor
Total Oblivion By Nox

Demon Swinging By EraeL

Let's Bounce By PasiBlitz
Deadly Clubstep By NeptunEInsidious Step By NoobasFuryDynamix By ZenthicalphaAscend By GboyScary Maze By ValmneinFuryFunk By Zenthicalpha
Astronaut 13 By Minesap
Slaughterhouse By Havok and Carapa22

Rebellion By Bryan1150Dark Disco By Jeyzor
Crackdown Draft By Evasium
The GClub By TG Gboy10 By T3mpl4te
The JanuS Miracle By Gerard DugallDream Game By DemonDoom

CHALLENGING (decently difficult, will require some persistence)Toxin Labs III By Xaro
Blue Marine By ChaosAFTheory of Everything 2 v2 By NeptuneHazard Sector 1 By ZenthicalphaHazard Sector 4 By ZenthicalphaHazard Sector X By Zenthicalpha
Melody of Violins By Woogi1411
Hazard Sector Finale By Zenthicalpha
Theory of Everything III By Cropris
Theory of Firepower By CreatorDorami
Fairydust By Superpizzaluigi
GW Russia By MaJackO

Psychic Escape By MidM2coL

Theory of Woogi By Woogi1411

BORDERLINE HARD (can be annoying to complete but are not too hard or difficult)
SIMG Factorial 8 By LunarSIMG
SIMG Factorial 9 By LunarSIMGSIMG Factorial 10 By LunarSIMG
Theory of Troll By Kraken
Supernova by Motu
Roundabout By Cochu
Silhouette By Havok
Theory of Insomnia By CreatorDorami
Doomsday II By Neptune
Diabolic Force By CreatorDorami

Doomsday X By Etzer
Hyper's End By Etzer
DecodeX By Rekedge

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